* = Required fields
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Your Registered Phone Number
( -Area Code- 405 539 572 580 918 ) - -
* Street Address:
* City:
* Zip:
* County:
-Choose County- Adair Alfalfa Atoka Beaver Beckham Blaine Bryan Caddo Canadian Carter Cherokee Choctaw Cimarron Cleveland Coal Comanche Cotton Craig Creek Custer Delaware Dewey Ellis Garfield Garvin Grady Grant Greer Harmon Harper Haskell Hughes Jackson Jefferson Johnston Kay Kingfisher Kiowa Latimer LeFlore Lincoln Logan Love Major Marshall Mayes McClain McCurtain McIntosh Murray Muskogee Noble Nowata Okfuskee Oklahoma Okmulgee Osage Ottawa Pawnee Payne Pittsburg Pontotoc Pottawatomie Pushmataha Roger Mills Rogers Seminole Sequoyah Stephens Texas Tillman Tulsa Wagoner Washington Washita Woods Woodward
* Email Address
Date of Complaint
* Name of Business or Organization
Name of Person you spoke with
* Month of Call
Choose the Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
* Day of Call
Choose the Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
* Time of Call
* Product or service being sold
Phone Number that appeared on caller id (if available)
Was Caller ID blocked by the telemarketer?
Yes No
Was the telemarketing message a recorded one?
Did you provide an express invitation or permission to the telemarketer to call you?
Do you have a past or current business relationship with this company?
If this company has called you in the past, did you at that time advise them not to call you again?
Did you tell the telemarketer that your phone number is registered on the Oklahoma Don't Call List?
Was the telemarketer a member of a non profit group?
Was the telemarketer calling on a referral to set an appointment?
Did the telemarketer use threatening, intimidating, or profane language?
Would you be willing to testify in court regarding this complaint?
* Please summarize your call
|313 NE 21st Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 | OKC 405.521.3921| Tulsa 918.581.2885 |